Today Papa took us to the historic State Theater of Georgia – the Springer Opera House. It is 144 years old but still very beautiful. A man named Joseph Springer built it and people would come up the river on the Paddle Wheel Steamboats to see things at the theater. Papa’s friend Aileen works at the Springer and was very sweet to us and gave a little tour. Papa says theater people can seem a little strange at times but they are very talented and interesting. Papa is a little strange too, so they go together like peas in a pod. Papa likes the Springer people a lot and he was in a play on this very stage in the Wizard of Oz in 1998.
Miss Aileen let us sit in some cushy chairs in one of the balcony boxes. It was in the very same place that real famous people like Oscar Wilde, Will Rogers, and John Phillip Sousa sat a long time ago.
Mr. Paul Pierce is the director. That means he runs the place. He says that there are ghosts in the attic and the basement but they are friendly. He says sometimes they are very helpful and even rearrange the furniture in the middle of the night. Clara said, “Boo” and we all jumped real high!
The “Flattsie Sisters”
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